White's Path site showing boundaryWhen, in mid-2013, Yellow Door Property (YDP) was offered a plot of land at 3, Whites Path in Willingham, Cambridgeshire, the prospect didn't seem immediately appealing.

The scruffy site ran parallel to Over Road, was irregularly shaped and densely covered with weeds and small, self-seeded trees. It had limited access across a small stream that ran around its southern and western borders and contained an empty, dilapidated house upon which renovations had been started, and abandoned, many years before.

White's Path site initial conditionHowever, Paul Ashley, YDP's Managing Director, believed the site showed potential, particularly in view of good nearby transport links to the Cambridge Science Park and into the heart of Cambridge itself.

Discussions with South Cambridgeshire District Council's (SCDC) planning department were very positive and 'in principal' planning permission for three detached houses was given subject to YDP improving access to the site from Over Road. To achieve this, YDP negotiated the purchase of a small strip to the south-west of the site, providing space for a proper access bridge across the stream.

White's Path site final boundaryWith that purchase concluded successfully, YDP then bought the main site and began further negotiations for several small parcels around the main site which would make it more rectangular. All those purchases were concluded by late 2013 and YDP was able to turn its attention to the 'Design and Planning' phase.